Commercial Methods Of Tiktok

24 February 2022

Tiktok is very prosperous now. Many people will promote it on Tik Tok. There are also many individual entrepreneurs who earn tens of thousands of monthly income. Of course, more people just use Tik Tok as an entertainment tool.

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1. Advertising monetization

One of the most important aspects of Douyin’s business model is the way of monetizing ads. After Douyin has a certain number of fans, it will attract many advertisers. For Douyin experts, it will be able to receive advertisements. In other words, the way to achieve monetization by customizing content for the brand.

2. Realization of selling goods
It mainly includes two aspects, namely e-commerce and wechat business. It is the most important monetization mode of Douyin at present. It can compete with traditional platform e-commerce and social e-commerce, and it has become the third type of e-commerce today. The business model is also known as the shaking business era.

3.Live stream

In addition to the above two business models, open live broadcast is a simpler and more convenient way to monetize. As long as you get a gift from fans, you can get Yinlang. Yinlang directly withdraws to Renminbi, and the ratio between it and Renminbi is 7:1. The operation of withdrawal is also very simple. We only need to enter the personal page and select "Wallet" to exchange it.

4. Knowledge change/course training
It is more often used by people from the media. It is a very important business model. It often attracts a large number of fans through the sharing of professional knowledge, and then obtains profit through the sale of courses, training and other services.